Getting inked has been in vogue for the time immemorial. People in early days tattooed the symbol of their tribe, their cast or their profession and sometimes their own names on their arms
But those days are pass. Now getting tattooed and showing it off is in vogue for a different kind of reason- because it is in vogue. We know it’s difficult to understand; but let’s put it this way-today getting inked is more out of fashion rather than practicality. And Justin, our own Boyfriend singer Justin Bieber has fallen for the fashion trend.
All the celebrities have taught us how. From all the stars that we idolize – Angelina Jolie to Rihana, they all have their bodies inked at visible or sometimes not so visible places with words, phrases and symbols that stand for something in their life. Those words could inspire them, remind them of something or someone or simply tell them who they are.

The tattoo shows the bird of the night
And the newest member to jump on this bandwagon is the teenage singing sensation Justin Bieber. Let’s not delve into the meaning of the tattoo right now and break our heads against the wall trying to assume, brainstorm or rule out what it could possibly stand for in his life. It might stand for his girlfriends’ favorite pet and we wouldn’t want to wander our focus from the point, or would we? But that’s another story that may come out in some time from now. What the current substantial news for the diehard beiber fans is that he has got himself inked, right on his forearm.

He finds a way to show it off, without going overboard
The tattoo is placed on his left forearm, shows an owl and a big one at that. It is shaded in black and grey and has been magnificently worked upon. If you all fans could reflect back a little, he had posted a sneak peak of his tattoo on Instagram a few days back. The finished artwork of the tattoo was in full display in a concert during his tour Believe in Texas only last week. He wore sleeveless white hoody and white trousers for his stage performance. He completed the look with a fingerless gold glove and kept his dark shades on against the harsh lights. He proudly showed off his newest acquisition for all the fans to see and if we might add, that keeps him nicely aligned with all other fashion forward celebrities of the tinsel town.